Monday, January 02, 2006

Excuses Already

It's one o'clock, and I'm still in my pajamas. Chances of me making it out of the house, let alone to a WW meeting are pretty slim. I *want* to go, don't get me wrong, I do. I'm still handling this whole bronchitis thing, and the meds are making me...I don't know. But they're doing something to me. I just don't feel normal. I think that if my office wasn't closed today, I'd be using another sick day. I want to crawl back in bed, and sleep for a few more hours, but I can't do that. Plus, I've been on antibiotics. STRONG antibiotics. I'm sure most women can understand what that will do to you.
Then, there's the's been getting worse and worse over the past week. When the Hubster isn't feeling well, I pitch in, and do as much as I can, so he can rest and recoup. When I'm sick, and laying around doing nothing, he takes it as his cue to do the same thing, so the house falls apart. There are so many things I wanted to do this weekend, that I couldn't. My friend is supposed to come over next weekend to watch the girls so we can go out to my office Holiday party--our one night out a year. But I don't even want her to come because this place is so messy.

Okay, fast forward. It's 7 o'clock. After I started writing this, I got mad at myself, put my bra on, took Little Sister, and left the house. We went to a "new" second hand store that everyone and their mother has told me to check out. I got 2 movies, 2 sweaters, and 2 pairs of pants for Little Sister, and a tie for the Hubster all for under $20. Wow. I wish I would have gone sooner.

I got to the WW place at 3:30, and they were just opening up registration for the 4:00 meeting. I really wasn't feeling well, and I circled the parking lot a few times, and actually considered just going home, but I didn't. I parked the car, hauled out Little Sister, and waited in line forever because everyone (and their mother) decided to join Weight Watchers today.

It's a lot different than the last time I went; more than 4 years ago. The kicker is that it's the SAME lady doing the meetings. It's funny because this is the 3rd time I've joined WW, and I've always had the same leader, even though I've been to different meetings, in different cities, at different times. Crazy. I really like that they have the scale set up in front of the registration desk, and all I have to do is stand there while they log my weight. The worst part of weighing for me is waiting to see what number it will stop at. She put the sticker on my card, and I didn't even look at it until the after-meeting-orientation-meeting when I had to look to see how many points I'll get to eat each day.

I'm going public, right? Okay. Here goes: 273.4 pounds.
It's actually around where I thought it would be, although I had horrible images of that big number 3 coming up. Let's hope this is the closest I'll ever be to it.
I came home and told the Hubster that I'm starting tomorrow, so we better have something good tonight. He's making me Chicken Parmesan with Angel Hair pasta and garlic bread. Oh sweet carbo-loading.

I also got him to take out the trash, sweep the kitchen floor, and help me clean off a counter, so we're making a dent in my huge list of chores. Wait until he sees what I have in store for him for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's do this together! We can both do it and you know it! -- I don't wanna log in, but you know who this is! ;)